Tuesday, July 27, 2010

twilight saga eclipse

I took my nephew to see Eclipse last night. Yeah, I know the film has been out a month and I am so far behind seeing it now. In my defense, I hate large crowds and often feel claustrophobic in enclosed spaces; hence, avoiding the unpleasantness by waiting a month to see such a popular film.

I was excited to see this movie since Eclipse was my favorite book from Stephanie Meyer’s Twilight Series of books and I will admit I was excited to see what the big vampire wolf fight at the end of the film looked like on screen. The chemistry between Bella (Kristen Stewart) and Edward (Robert Pattinson) did not disappoint. Several times the entire screen was filled with close-ups of their faces; staring at each other with such intensity that it makes the viewer feel like a voyeur peeping through a window at a very private moment. Bella and Edward also had a playfulness in Eclipse that added an element of the innocence of first love. Stewart and Pattinson have such onscreen chemistry that it adds a realism to their desperate love. I was reminded of the idyllic summer I had with my very first boyfriend. Additionally, there was an easiness that emanated from all the main actors that I imagine comes from familiarity with these characters in three films now.

The fight scene at the end was awesome. The CGI wolves did not disappoint and watching the stone-like limbs ripped from the bodies of the vampires was a blast. Is this an Academy Award winning film? No, but for those folks who read the book, it did not leave you wondering what the hell happened to the story you loved.

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